Going further in our Google Maps inquiring, we can look at Google Street View
Not only can you see what streets around the world look like – this includes, buildings, cars, even people and city scenes, but you can explore amazing historical and cultural sites without leaving the classroom.
This part gets a little bit away from traditional maps, but it gets into social, cultural, political and physcial geography that would opens up endless avenues for student relevancy and interest.
The Google Cultural Institute is like a virtual museum. This site lets you explore museums, architectural significant buildings, natural wonders, or even the roof of the paris opera house. In museums you can basically walk through as if you were there, seeing art and artifacts. In another section you can zoom in on art work. The cultural institute is where you can also see historical documents and deep dives into different topics. It’s almost overwhelming the amount of information they have there and I really recommend checking it out
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