In researching for our Google Maps in Education project, I was looking at the workshops available at the Digital Scholarship Commons. They have a data visualization and mapping workshop this week but I don’t think I can fit it into my schedule. The content is pretty interesting though, and I saw a few things that were new to me when I looked through the agenda.
This is a cool tool for making web maps that you can add content to tell various stories. These could be personal trips, the sequence of historical events, making a map of your community. It’s a tidy and easy to use format that I could see students really enjoying. It’s not too disimilar from Google My Maps, but has some extra style and prettiness built in to the functionality. It’s being used in journalism (like in this article about the spread of the Islamic State from the Washington Post) which would be awesome for students to feel that they are using a professional product.
There would be some FIPPA concerns I’m sure, but maybe a class account could be created, and all content could be educational rather than personal. Or permission would have to be granted.
I could make a StoryMap to show which countries all the food I’ve made for my free inquiry have come from!
Timeline JS is used for making web-based timelines showing events over time. We’ve all seen timelines like this and would be a cool idea to make timelines with students. I remember making timelines on paper in school and I’ve seen them on our Wednesday link2practice as well.
Just like StoryMap JS, Timeline JS is being used on by professional writers and journalists, like here, in an article about Nelson Mandela’s life.
After seeing this I’m considering using Timeline JS to create something for my final project for our seminar class. We are supposed to document our progress for one of the Teacher Education Program Competencies and I think it would be kind of cool to make a timeline of what I’ve learned this term.
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